# Change Log This file documents all notable changes to Jenkins Helm Chart. The release numbering uses [semantic versioning](http://semver.org). NOTE: The change log until version 1.5.7 is auto generated based on git commits. Those include a reference to the git commit to be able to get more details. ## 1.13.0 Add `master.networkPolicy.internalAgents` and `master.networkPolicy.externalAgents` stanzas to fine grained controls over where internal/external agents can connect from. Internal ones are allowed based on pod labels and (optionally) namespaces, and external ones are allowed based on IP ranges. ## 1.12.0 Support additional agents Add support for easy configuration of additional agents which inherit values from `agent`. ## 1.11.3 Update the kubernetes plugin from 1.24.1 to 1.25.1 and grant 'watch' permission to 'events' which is required since this plugin version. ## 1.11.2 Configure agent.args in values.yaml ## 1.11.1 Support for master.additionalConfig Fixed a bug with jenkinsHome variable in range block when master.additionalConfig is set - Helm cannot evaluate field Values in type interface {}. ## 1.11.0 Add support for configuring custom pod templates Add `agent.podTemplates` option for declaring custom pod templates in the default configured kubernetes cloud. ## 1.10.1 Only copy JCasC files if there are any The chart always tried to copy Configuration as Code configs even if there are none. That resulted in an error which is resolved with this. ## 1.10.0 Remove configuration-as-code-support plugins In recent version of configuration-as-code-plugin this is no longer necessary. ## 1.9.24 Update JCasC auto-reload docs and remove stale ssh key references from version "1.8.0 JCasC auto reload works without ssh keys" ## 1.9.23 Support jenkinsUriPrefix when JCasC is enabled Fixed a bug in the configuration as code reload url, where it wouldn't work with a jenkinsUriPrefix set. ## 1.9.22 Add `master.jenkinsHome` and `master.jenkinsRef` options to use docker images derivates from Jenkins ## 1.9.21 Add `master.terminationGracePeriodSeconds` option ## 1.9.20 Update default plugins - kubernetes:1.24.1 - workflow-job:2.36 - workflow-aggregator:2.6 - credentials-binding:1.21 - git:4.2.0 - configuration-as-code:1.36 ## 1.9.19 Update docs for Helm 3 ## 1.9.18 Make `jenkins-home` attachable to Azure Disks without pvc ``` volumes: - name: jenkins-home azureDisk: kind: Managed diskName: myAKSDisk diskURI: /subscriptions//resourceGroups/MC_myAKSCluster_myAKSCluster_eastus/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/myAKSDisk ``` ## 1.9.16 Fix PodLabel for NetworkPolicy to work if enabled ## 1.9.14 Properly fix case sense in `Values.master.overwriteConfig` in `config.yaml` ## 1.9.13 Fix case sense in `Values.master.overwriteConfig` in `config.yaml` ## 1.9.12 Scriptapprovals are overwritten when overwriteConfig is enabled ## 1.9.10 Added documentation for `persistence.storageClass`. ## 1.9.9 Make `master.deploymentAnnotation` configurable. ## 1.9.8 Make `agent.slaveConnectTimeout` configurable: by increasing this value Jenkins will not cancel&ask k8s for a pod again, while it's on `ContainerCreating`. Useful when you have big images or autoscaling takes some time. ## 1.9.7 Update plugin versions plugin | old version | new version --------------------- | ----------- | ---------- kubernetes | 1.18.2 | 1.21.2 workflow-job | 2.33 | 2.36 credentials-binding | 1.19 | 1.20 git | 3.11.0 | 4.0.0 configuration-as-code | 1.27 | 1.32 ## 1.9.6 Enables jenkins to use keystore inorder to have native ssl support [#17790](https: https://wiki.jenkins.io/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=135468777) ## 1.9.5 Enable remoting security `Manage Jenkins` -> `Configure Global Security` -> `Enable Agent → Master Access Control` is now enabled via configuration as code plugin ## 1.9.4 Option to set existing secret with Google Application Default Credentials Google application credentials are kept in a file, which has to be mounted to a pod. You can set `gcpcredentials` in `existingSecret` as follows: ``` existingSecret: jenkins-service-account: gcpcredentials: application_default_credentials.json ``` Helm template then creates the necessary volume mounts and `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environmental variable. ## 1.9.3 Fix `JAVA_OPTS` when config auto-reload is enabled ## 1.9.2 Add support for kubernetes-credentials-provider-plugin [kubernetes-credentials-provider-plugin](https://jenkinsci.github.io/kubernetes-credentials-provider-plugin/) needs permissions to get/watch/list kubernetes secrets in the namespaces where Jenkins is running. The necessary role binding can be created using `rbac.readSecrets` when `rbac.create` is `true`. To quote from the plugin documentation: > Because granting these permissions for secrets is not something that should be done lightly it is highly advised for security reasons that you both create a unique service account to run Jenkins as, and run Jenkins in a unique namespace. Therefor this is disabled by default. ## 1.9.1 Update kubernetes plugin URL ## 1.9.0 Change default serviceType to ClusterIP ## 1.8.2 Revert fix in `1.7.10` since direct connection is now disabled by default. ## 1.8.1 Add `master.schedulerName` to allow setting a Kubernetes custom scheduler ## 1.8.0 JCasC auto reload works without ssh keys We make use of the fact that the Jenkins Configuration as Code Plugin can be triggered via http `POST` to `JENKINS_URL/configuration-as-code/reload`and a pre-shared key. The sidecar container responsible for reloading config changes is now `kiwigrid/k8s-sidecar:0.1.20` instead of it's fork `shadwell/k8s-sidecar`. References: - [Triggering Configuration Reload](https://github.com/jenkinsci/configuration-as-code-plugin/blob/master/docs/features/configurationReload.md) - [kiwigrid/k8s-sidecar](https://hub.docker.com/r/kiwigrid/k8s-sidecar) `master.sidecars.configAutoReload.enabled` now works using `casc.reload.token` ## 1.7.10 Disable direct connection in default configuration (when kubernetes plugin version >= 1.20.2). Note: In case direct connection is going to be used `jenkins/jnlp-slave` needs to be version `3.35-5` or newer. ## 1.7.9 Prevented Jenkins Setup Wizard on new installations ## 1.7.8 Extend extraPorts to be opened on the Service object, not just the container. ## 1.7.7 Add persistentvolumeclaim permission to the role to support new dynamic pvc workspaces. ## 1.7.6 Updated `master.slaveKubernetesNamespace` to parse helm templates. Defined an sensible empty value to the following variables, to silence invalid warnings: - master.extraPorts - master.scriptApproval - master.initScripts - master.JCasC.configScripts - master.sidecars.other - agent.envVars - agent.volumes ## 1.7.5 Fixed an issue where the JCasC won't run if JCasC auto-reload is enabled [issue #17135](https://github.com/helm/charts/issues/17135) ## 1.7.4 Comments out JCasC example of jenkins.systemMessage so that it can be used by end users. Previously, an attempt to set systemMessage causes Jenkins to startup, citing duplicate JCasC settings for systemMessage [issue #13333](https://github.com/helm/charts/issues/13333) ## 1.7.2 Update kubernetes-plugin to version 1.18.2 which fixes frequently encountered [JENKINS-59000](https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/plugins/servlet/mobile#issue/JENKINS-59000) ## 1.7.1 Update the default requirements for jenkins-slave to 512Mi which fixes frequently encountered [issue #3723](https://github.com/helm/charts/issues/3723) ## 1.7.0 [Jenkins Configuration as Code Plugin](https://github.com/jenkinsci/configuration-as-code-plugin) default configuration can now be enabled via `master.JCasC.defaultConfig`. JCasC default configuration includes: - Jenkins url - Admin email `master.jenkinsAdminEmail` - crumbIssuer - disableRememberMe: false - mode: NORMAL - numExecutors: {{ .Values.master.numExecutors }} - projectNamingStrategy: "standard" - kubernetes plugin - containerCapStr via `agent.containerCap` - jenkinsTunnel - jenkinsUrl - maxRequestsPerHostStr: "32" - name: "kubernetes" - namespace - serverUrl: "https://kubernetes.default" - template - containers - alwaysPullImage: `agent.alwaysPullImage` - args - command - envVars - image: `agent.image:agent.imageTag` - name: `.agent.sideContainerName` - privileged: `.agent.privileged` - resourceLimitCpu: `agent.resources.limits.cpu` - resourceLimitMemory: `agent.resources.limits.memory` - resourceRequestCpu: `agent.resources.requests.cpu` - resourceRequestMemory: `agent.resources.requests.memory` - ttyEnabled: `agent.TTYEnabled` - workingDir: "/home/jenkins" - idleMinutes: `agent.idleMinutes` - instanceCap: 2147483647 - imagePullSecrets: - name: `.agent.imagePullSecretName` - label - name - nodeUsageMode: "NORMAL" - podRetention: `agent.podRetention` - serviceAccount - showRawYaml: true - slaveConnectTimeoutStr: "100" - yaml: `agent.yamlTemplate` - yamlMergeStrategy: "override" - security: - apiToken: - creationOfLegacyTokenEnabled: false - tokenGenerationOnCreationEnabled: false - usageStatisticsEnabled: true Example `values.yaml` which enables JCasC, it's default config and configAutoReload: ``` master: JCasC: enabled: true defaultConfig: true sidecars: configAutoReload: enabled: true ``` add master.JCasC.defaultConfig and configure location - JCasC configuration is stored in template `jenkins.casc.defaults` so that it can be used in `config.yaml` and `jcasc-config.yaml` depending on if configAutoReload is enabled or not - Jenkins Location (URL) is configured to provide a startin point for the config ## 1.6.1 Print error message when `master.sidecars.configAutoReload.enabled` is `true`, but the admin user can't be found to configure the SSH key. ## 1.6.0 Add support for Google Cloud Storage for backup CronJob (migrating from nuvo/kube-tasks to maorfr/kube-tasks) ## 1.5.9 Fixed a warning when sidecar resources are provided through a parent chart or override values ## 1.5.8 Fixed an issue when master.enableXmlConfig is set to false: Always mount jenkins-secrets volume if secretsFilesSecret is set (#16512) ## 1.5.7 added initial changelog (#16324) commit: cee2ebf98 ## 1.5.6 enable xml config misspelling (#16477) commit: a125b99f9 ## 1.5.5 Jenkins master label (#16469) commit: 4802d14c9 ## 1.5.4 add option enableXmlConfig (#16346) commit: 387d97a4c ## 1.5.3 extracted "jenkins.url" into template (#16347) commit: f2fdf5332 ## 1.5.2 Fix backups when deployment has custom name (#16279) commit: 16b89bfff ## 1.5.1 Ability to set custom namespace for ServiceMonitor (#16145) commit: 18ee6cf01 ## 1.5.0 update Jenkins plugins to fix security issue (#16069) commit: 603cf2d2b ## 1.4.3 Use fixed container name (#16068) commit: b3e4b4a49 ## 1.4.2 Provide default job value (#15963) commit: c462e2017 ## 1.4.1 Add Jenkins backendconfig values (#15471) commit: 7cc9b54c7 ## 1.4.0 Change the value name for docker image tags - standartise to helm preferred value name - tag; this also allows auto-deployments using weaveworks flux (#15565) commit: 5c3d920e7 ## 1.3.6 jenkins deployment port should be target port (#15503) commit: 83909ebe3 ## 1.3.5 Add support for namespace specification (#15202) commit: e773201a6 ## 1.3.4 Adding sub-path option for scraping (#14833) commit: e04021154 ## 1.3.3 Add existingSecret to Jenkins backup AWS credentials (#13392) commit: d9374f57d ## 1.3.2 Fix JCasC version (#14992) commit: 26a6d2b99 ## 1.3.1 Update affinity for a backup cronjob (#14886) commit: c21ed8331 ## 1.3.0 only install casc support plugin when needed (#14862) commit: a56fc0540 ## 1.2.2 DNS Zone customization (#14775) commit: da2910073 ## 1.2.1 only render comment if configAutoReload is enabled (#14754) commit: e07ead283 ## 1.2.0 update plugins to latest version (#14744) commit: 84336558e ## 1.1.24 add example for EmptyDir volume (#14499) commit: cafb60209 ## 1.1.23 check if installPlugins is set before using it (#14168) commit: 1218f0359 ## 1.1.22 Support servicemonitor and alerting rules (#14124) commit: e15a27f48 ## 1.1.21 Fix: healthProbe timeouts mapping to initial delay (#13875) commit: 825b32ece ## 1.1.20 Properly handle overwrite config for additional configs (#13915) commit: 18ce9b558 ## 1.1.18 update maintainer (#13897) commit: 223002b27 ## 1.1.17 add apiVersion (#13795) commit: cd1e5c35a ## 1.1.16 allow changing of the target port to support TLS termination sidecar (#13576) commit: a34d3bbcc ## 1.1.15 fix wrong pod selector in jenkins-backup (#13542) commit: b5df4fd7e ## 1.1.14 allow templating of customInitContainers (#13536) commit: d1e1421f4 ## 1.1.13 fix #13467 (wrong deprecation message) (#13511) commit: fbe28fa1c ## 1.1.12 Correct customInitContainers Name example. (#13405) commit: 6c6e40405 ## 1.1.11 fix master.runAsUser, master.fsGroup examples (#13389) commit: 2d7e5bf72 ## 1.1.10 Ability to specify raw yaml template (#13319) commit: 77aaa9a5f ## 1.1.9 correct NOTES.txt - use master.ingress.hostname (#13318) commit: b08ef6280 ## 1.1.8 explain how to upgrade major versions (#13273) commit: e7617a97e ## 1.1.7 Add support for idleMinutes and serviceAccount (#13263) commit: 4595ee033 ## 1.1.6 Use same JENKINS_URL no matter if slaves use different namespace (#12564) commit: 94c90339f ## 1.1.5 fix deprecation checks (#13224) commit: c7d2f8105 ## 1.1.4 Fix issue introduced in #13136 (#13232) commit: 0dbcded2e ## 1.1.3 fix chart errors (#13197) commit: 692a1e3da ## 1.1.2 correct selector for jenkins pod (#13200) commit: 4537e7fda ## 1.1.1 Fix rendering of customInitContainers and lifecycle for Jenkins helm chart (#13189) commit: e8f6b0ada ## 1.1.0 Add support for openshift route in jenkins (#12973) commit: 48c58a430 ## 1.0.0 helm chart best practices (#13136) commit: b02ae3f48 ### Breaking changes: - values have been renamed to follow helm chart best practices for naming conventions so that all variables start with a lowercase letter and words are separated with camelcase https://helm.sh/docs/chart_best_practices/#naming-conventions - all resources are now using recommended standard labels https://helm.sh/docs/chart_best_practices/#standard-labels As a result of the label changes also the selectors of the deployment have been updated. Those are immutable so trying an updated will cause an error like: ``` Error: Deployment.apps "jenkins" is invalid: spec.selector: Invalid value: v1.LabelSelector{MatchLabels:map[string]string{"app.kubernetes.io/component":"jenkins-master", "app.kubernetes.io/instance":"jenkins"}, MatchExpressions:[]v1.LabelSelectorRequirement(nil)}: field is immutable ``` In order to upgrade, delete the Jenkins Deployment before upgrading: ``` kubectl delete deploy jenkins ``` ## 0.40.0 Allow to override jenkins location protocol (#12257) commit: 18a830626 ## 0.39.0 Add possibility to add custom init-container and lifecycle for master-container (#13062) commit: 14d043593 ## 0.38.0 Support `priorityClassName` on Master Deployment (#13069) commit: e896c62bc ## 0.37.3 Add support for service account annotations in jenkins (#12969) commit: b22774e2f ## 0.37.2 fix: add hostName to ingress in values.yaml (#12946) commit: 041045e9b ## 0.37.1 Update to match actual defaults in value.yaml (#12904) commit: 73b6d37eb ## 0.37.0 Support multiple Jenkins instances in same namespace (#12748) commit: 32ff2f343 ## 0.36.5 Fix wrong comment in values.yaml (#12761) commit: 9db8ced23 ## 0.36.4 Re-add value for Ingress API Version (#12753) commit: ecb7791b5 ## 0.36.3 allow templating of volumes (#12734) commit: adbda2ca6 ## 0.36.2 Fix self-introduced whitespace bug (#12528) commit: eec1678eb ## 0.36.1 Add flag to overwrite jobs definition from values.yaml (#12427) commit: fd349b2fc ## 0.36.0 Replace OwnSshKey with AdminSshKey (#12140) (#12466) commit: 80a8c9eb6 ## 0.35.2 add note for breaking changes (#12203) commit: e779c5a54 ## 0.35.1 Allow Jenkins to run with READONLYROOTFS psp (#12338) commit: 7c419e191 ## 0.35.0 Jenkins OverwriteConfig setting also overwrites init scripts (#9468) commit: 501335b76 ## 0.34.1 Fix typo on hostname variable (#12156) commit: 3d337d8dd ## 0.34.0 Allow ingress without host rule (#11960) commit: ddc966d1e ## 0.33.2 Improve documentation - clarify that rbac is needed for autoreload (#11739) commit: 9d75a5c34 ## 0.33.1 use object for rollingUpdate (#11909) commit: cb9cf21e8 ## 0.33.0 Add hostAliases (#11701) commit: 0b89e1094 ## 0.32.10 Fix slave jnlp port always being reset when container is restarted (#11685) commit: d7d51797b ## 0.32.9 add ingress Hostname an ApiVersion to docs (#11576) commit: 4d3e77137 ## 0.32.8 Support custom master pod labels in deployment (#9714) (#11511) commit: 9de96faa0 ## 0.32.7 Fix markdown syntax in README (#11496) commit: a32221a95 ## 0.32.6 Added custom labels on jenkins ingress (#11466) commit: c875d2b9b ## 0.32.5 fix typo in default jenkins agent image fixes #11356 (#11463) commit: 30adb9a91 ## 0.32.4 fix incorrect Deployment when using sidecars (#11413) commit: 362b4cef8 ## 0.32.3 []: #10131 (#11411) commit: 49cb72055 ## 0.32.2 Option to expose the slave listener port as host port (#11187) commit: 2f85a9663 ## 0.32.1 Updating Jenkins deployment fails appears rollingUpdate needs to be (#11166) commit: 07fc9dbde ## 0.32.0 Merge Sidecard configs (#11339) commit: 3696090b9 ## 0.31.0 Add option to overwrite plugins (#11231) commit: 0e9aa00a5 ## 0.30.0 Added slave Pod env vars (#8743) commit: 1499f6608 ## 0.29.3 revert indentation to previous working version (#11293) commit: 61662f17a ## 0.29.2 allow running sidecar containers for Jenkins master (#10950) commit: 9084ce54a ## 0.29.1 Indent lines related to EnableRawHtmlMarkupFormatter (#11252) commit: 20b310c08 ## 0.29.0 Jenkins Configuration as Code (#9057) commit: c3e8c0b17 ## 0.28.11 Allow to enable OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin (#10851) commit: 9486e5ddf ## 0.28.10 Fixes #1341 -- update Jenkins chart documentation (#10290) commit: 411c81cd0 ## 0.28.9 Quoted JavaOpts values (#10671) commit: 926a843a8 ## 0.28.8 Support custom labels in deployment (#9714) (#10533) commit: 3e00b47fa ## 0.28.7 separate test resources (#10597) commit: 7b7ae2d11 ## 0.28.6 allow customizing livenessProbe periodSeconds (#10534) commit: 3c94d250d ## 0.28.5 Add role kind option (#8498) commit: e791ad124 ## 0.28.4 workaround for busybox's cp (Closes: #10471) (#10497) commit: 0d51a4187 ## 0.28.3 fix parsing java options (#10140) commit: 9448d0293 ## 0.28.2 Fix job definitions in standard values.yaml (#10184) commit: 6b6355ae7 ## 0.28.1 add numExecutors as a variable in values file (#10236) commit: d5ea2050f ## 0.28.0 various (#10223) commit: e17d2a65d ## 0.27.0 add backup cronjob (#10095) commit: 863ead8db ## 0.26.2 add namespace flag for port-forwarding in jenkins notes (#10399) commit: 846b589a9 ## 0.26.1 - fixes #10267 when executed with helm template - otherwise produces an invalid template. (#10403) commit: 266f9d839 ## 0.26.0 Add subPath for jenkins-home mount (#9671) commit: a9c76ac9b ## 0.25.1 update readme to indicate the correct image that is used by default (#9915) commit: 6aba9631c ## 0.25.0 Add ability to manually set Jenkins URL (#7405) commit: a0178fcb4 ## 0.24.0 Make AuthorizationStrategy configurable (#9567) commit: 06545b226 ## 0.23.0 Update Jenkins public chart (#9296) commit: 4e5f5918b ## 0.22.0 allow to override jobs (#9004) commit: dca9f9ab9 ## 0.21.0 Simple implementation of the option to define the ingress path to the jenkins service (#8101) commit: 013159609 ## 0.20.2 Cosmetic change to remove necessity of changing "appVersion" for every new LTS release (#8866) commit: f52af042a ## 0.20.1 Added ExtraPorts to open in the master pod (#7759) commit: 78858a2fb ## 0.19.1 Fix component label in NOTES.txt ... (#8300) commit: c5494dbfe ## 0.19.0 Kubernetes 1.9 support as well as automatic apiVersion detection (#7988) commit: 6853ad364 ## 0.18.1 Respect SlaveListenerPort value in config.xml (#7220) commit: 0a5ddac35 ## 0.18.0 Allow replacement of Jenkins config with configMap. (#7450) commit: c766da3de ## 0.17.0 Add option to allow host networking (#7530) commit: dc2eeff32 ## 0.16.25 add custom jenkins labels to the build agent (#7167) commit: 3ecde5dbf ## 0.16.24 Move kubernetes and job plugins to latest versions (#7438) commit: 019e39456 ## 0.16.23 Add different Deployment Strategies based on persistence (#6132) commit: e0a20b0b9 ## 0.16.22 avoid lint errors when adding Values.Ingress.Annotations (#7425) commit: 99eacc854 ## 0.16.21 bump appVersion to reflect new jenkins lts release version 2.121.3 (#7217) commit: 296df165d ## 0.16.20 Configure kubernetes plugin for including namespace value (#7164) commit: c0dc6cc48 ## 0.16.19 make pod retention policy setting configurable (#6962) commit: e614c1033 ## 0.16.18 Update plugins version (#6988) commit: bf8180018 ## 0.16.17 Add Master.AdminPassword in README (#6987) commit: 13e754ad7 ## 0.16.16 Added jenkins location configuration (#6573) commit: 79de7026c ## 0.16.15 use generic env var, not oracle specific env var (#6116) commit: 6084ab4a4 ## 0.16.14 Allow to specify resource requests and limits on initContainers (#6723) commit: 942a33b1a ## 0.16.13 Added support for NodePort service type for jenkens agent svc (#6571) commit: 89a213c2b ## 0.16.12 Added ability to configure multiple LoadBalancerSourceRanges (#6243) commit: 01604ddbc ## 0.16.11 Removing ContainerPort configuration as at the moment it does not work when you change this setting (#6411) commit: e1c0468bd ## 0.16.9 Fix jobs parsing for configmap by adding toYaml to jobs.yaml template (#3747) commit: b2542a123 ## 0.16.8 add jenkinsuriprefix in healthprobes (#5737) commit: 435d7a7b9 ## 0.16.7 Added the ability to switch from ClusterRoleBinding to RoleBinding. (#6190) commit: dde03ede0 ## 0.16.6 Make jenkins master pod security context optional (#6122) commit: 63653fd59 ## 0.16.5 Rework resources requests and limits (#6077) (#6077) commit: e738f99d0 ## 0.16.4 Add jenkins master pod annotations (#6313) commit: 5e7325721 ## 0.16.3 Split Jenkins readiness and liveness probe periods (#5704) commit: fc6100c38 ## 0.16.1 fix typo in jenkins README (#5228) commit: 3cd3f4b8b ## 0.16.0 Inherit existing plugins from Jenkins image (#5409) commit: fd93bff82 ## 0.15.1 Allow NetworkPolicy.ApiVersion and Master.Ingress.ApiVersion to Differ (#5103) commit: 78ee4ba15 ## 0.15.0 Secure Defaults (#5026) commit: 0fe90b520 ## 0.14.6 Wait for up to 2 minutes before failing liveness check (#5161) commit: 2cd3fc481 ## 0.14.5 correct ImageTag setting (#4371) commit: 8ea04174d ## 0.14.4 Update jenkins/README.md (#4559) commit: d4e6352dd ## 0.14.3 Bump appVersion (#4177) commit: 605d3d441 ## 0.14.2 Master.InitContainerEnv: Init Container Env Vars (#3495) commit: c64abe27d ## 0.14.1 Allow more configuration of Jenkins agent service (#4028) commit: fc82f39b2 ## 0.14.0 Add affinity settings (#3839) commit: 64e82fa6a ## 0.13.5 bump test timeouts (#3886) commit: cd05dd99c ## 0.13.4 Add OWNERS to jenkins chart (#3881) commit: 1c106b9c8 ## 0.13.3 Add fullnameOverride support (#3705) commit: ec8080839 ## 0.13.2 Update README.md (#3638) commit: f6d274c37 ## 0.13.1 Lower initial healthcheck delay (#3463) commit: 9b99db67c ## 0.13.0 Provision credentials.xml, secrets files and jobs (#3316) commit: d305c5961 ## 0.12.1 fix the default value for nodeUsageMode. (#3299) commit: b68d19516 ## 0.12.0 Recreate pods when CustomConfigMap is true and there are changes to the ConfigMap (which is how the vanilla chart works) (#3181) commit: 86d29f804 ## 0.11.1 Optionally adds liveness and readiness probes to jenkins (#3245) commit: 8b9aa73ee ## 0.11.0 Feature/run jenkins as non root user (#2899) commit: 8918f4175 ## 0.10.3 template the version to keep them synced (#3084) commit: 35e7fa49a ## 0.10.2 Update Chart.yaml commit: e3e617a0b ## 0.10.1 Merge branch 'master' into jenkins-test-timeout commit: 9a230a6b1 ## 0.8.1 Double retry count for Jenkins test commit: 129c8e824 ## 0.10.1 Jenkins: Update README | Master.ServiceAnnotations (#2757) commit: 6571810bc ## 0.10.0 Update Jenkins images and plugins (#2496) commit: 2e2622682 ## 0.9.4 Updating to remove the `.lock` directory as well (#2747) commit: 6e676808f ## 0.9.3 Use variable for service port when testing (#2666) commit: d044f99be ## 0.9.2 Review jenkins networkpolicy docs (#2618) commit: 49911e458 ## 0.9.2 Add image pull secrets to jenkins templates (#1389) commit: 4dfae21fd ## 0.9.1 Added persistent volume claim annotations (#2619) commit: ac9e5306e ## 0.9.1 Fix failing CI lint (#2758) commit: 26f709f0e ## 0.9.0 #1785 namespace defined templates with chart name (#2140) commit: 408ae0b3f ## 0.8.9 added useSecurity and adminUser to params (#1903) commit: 39d2a03cd ## 0.8.9 Use storageClassName for jenkins. (#1997) commit: 802f6449b ## 0.8.8 Remove old plugin locks before installing plugins (#1746) commit: 6cd7b8ff4 ## 0.8.8 promote initContainrs to podspec (#1740) commit: fecc804fc ## 0.8.7 add optional LoadBalancerIP option. (#1568) commit: d39f11408 ## 0.8.6 Fix bad key in values.yaml (#1633) commit: dc27e5af3 ## 0.8.5 Update Jenkins to support node selectors for agents. (#1532) commit: 4af5810ff ## 0.8.4 Add support for supplying JENKINS_OPTS and/or uri prefix (#1405) commit: 6a331901a ## 0.8.3 Add serviceAccountName to deployment (#1477) commit: 0dc349b44 ## 0.8.2 Remove path from ingress specification to allow other paths (#1599) commit: e727f6b32 ## 0.8.2 Update git plugin to 3.4.0 for CVE-2017-1000084 (#1505) commit: 03482f995 ## 0.8.1 Use consistent whitespace in template placeholders (#1437) commit: 912f50c71 ## 0.8.1 add configurable service annotations #1234 (#1244) commit: 286861ca8 ## 0.8.0 Jenkins v0.8.0 (#1385) commit: 0009a2393 ## 0.7.4 Use imageTag as version in config map (#1333) commit: e8bb6ebb4 ## 0.7.3 Add NetworkPolicy to Jenkins (#1228) commit: 572b36c6d ## 0.7.2 - Workflow plugin pin (#1178) commit: ac3a0c7bc ## 0.7.1 copy over plugins.txt in case of update (#1222) commit: 75b5b1174 ## 0.7.0 add jmx option (#964) commit: 6ae8d1945 ## 0.6.4 update jenkins to latest LTS 2.46.3 (#1182) commit: ad90b4c27 ## 0.6.3 Update chart maints to gh u/n (#1107) commit: f357b77ed ## 0.6.2 Add Agent.Privileged option (#957) commit: 2cf4aced2 ## 0.6.1 Upgrade jenkins to 2.46.2 (#971) commit: 41bd742b4 ## 0.6.0 Smoke test for Jenkins Chart (#944) commit: 110441054 ## 0.5.1 removed extra space from hardcoded password (#925) commit: 85a9b9123 ## 0.5.0 move config to init-container allowing use of upstream containers (#921) commit: 1803c3d33 ## 0.4.1 add ability to toggle jnlp-agent podTemplate generation (#918) commit: accd53203 ## 0.4.0 Jenkins add script approval (#916) commit: c1746656e ## 0.3.1 Update Jenkins to Latest LTS fixes #731 (#733) commit: e9a3aed8b ## 0.3.0 Added option to add Jenkins init scripts (#617) commit: b889623d0 ## 0.2.0 Add existing PVC (#716) commit: 05271f145 ## 0.1.15 use Master.ServicePort in config.xml (#769) commit: f351f4b16 ## 0.1.14 Added option to disable security on master node (#403) commit: 3a6113d18 ## 0.1.13 Added: extra mount points support for jenkins master (#474) commit: fab0f7eb1 ## 0.1.12 fix storageclass config typo (#548) commit: 6fc0ff242 ## 0.1.10 Changed default value of Kubernetes Cloud name to match one in kubernetes plugin (#404) commit: 68351304a ## 0.1.10 Add support for overriding the Jenkins ConfigMap (#524) commit: f97ca53b1 ## 0.1.9 Added jenkins-master ingress support (#402) commit: d76a09588 ## 0.1.8 Change description (#553) commit: 91f5c24e1 ## 0.1.8 Removed default Persistence.StorageClass: generic (#530) commit: c87494c10 ## 0.1.8 Update to the recommended pvc patterns. (#448) commit: a7fc595aa ## 0.1.8 Remove helm.sh/created annotations (#505) commit: f380da2fb ## 0.1.7 add support for explicit NodePort on jenkins chart (#342) commit: f63c188da ## 0.1.7 Add configurable loadBalancerSourceRanges for jenkins chart (#360) commit: 44007c50e ## 0.1.7 Update Jenkins version to current LTS (2.19.4) and Kubernetes Plugin to 0.10 (#341) commit: 6c8678167 ## 0.1.6 Add imagePullPolicy to init container (#295) commit: 103ee1952 ## 0.1.5 bump chart version with PVC metadata label additions commit: 4aa9cf5b1 ## 0.1.4 removed `*` from `jenkins/templates/NOTES.txt` commit: 76212230b ## 0.1.4 apply standard metadata labels to PVC's commit: 58b730836 ## 0.1.4 specify namespace in `kubectl get svc` commands in NOTES.txt commit: 7d3287e81 ## 0.1.4 Update Jenkins version to current LTS (#194) commit: 2c0404049 ## 0.1.1 escape fixed commit: 2026e1d15 ## 0.1.1 .status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip is empty in AWS commit: 1810e37f4 ## 0.1.1 .status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip is empty in AWS commit: 3cbd3ced6 ## 0.1.1 Remove 'Getting Started:' from various NOTES.txt. (#181) commit: 2f63fd524 ## 0.1.1 docs(\*): update READMEs to reference chart repos (#119) commit: c7d1bff05 ## 0.1.0 Move first batch of PVC charts to stable commit: d745f4879